Faith Life
Flaget Elementary School provides a Catholic Christian environment with quality instruction based upon Gospel values. Through daily prayer, religious instruction, liturgies, and service projects, students become rooted in the Catholic faith.
Mass Participation
Kindergarten to fifth grade students attend Mass each Friday. All students are given the opportunity to plan Mass and participate by singing in the choir, reading, serving, and presenting gifts. All are encouraged to join us at Mass.
Members of Other Faiths
Students of all faiths attend our school. The diversity of other religious faiths brings a way to celebrate what we have in common: that all students are children of God. It is important that all faiths are respected and discussed. All students are included in planning Mass.
Sacramental Preparation
Second grade students receive preparation for the Sacrament of First Reconciliantion and First Communion as part of their religion curriculum at Flaget. The parish plays an important role and supports each child’s faith formation.
Commitment to Service
Service is an important part of our lives, our parish, and our school. We ask all families to participate in the service opportunities provided throughout the year. These opportunities include: collecting items for the Food Bank, raising funds for Riley Hospital and Helping His Hands, gathering donations for the Humane Society, and participating in Angel Tree gifts during the holidays.
Together, we can build a stronger, more united world by taking what we learn and putting it into action through service for the common good.